Privacy Policy for Puravive

Effective Date: Please note that our Privacy Policy is subject to change. Changes are effective upon posting. It is your responsibility to review the policy regularly for updates. Puravive does not provide separate notifications of changes other than by posting updates on this website.

Agreement to Terms:
If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not provide any information to Puravive or use any services or products offered on any of the websites mentioned in this policy.

Scope of Policy:
This policy applies to the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of information by Puravive on:

Its websites, including all divisions, subsidiaries, and related companies (collectively, the "Websites").
Various third-party websites.
Other sources, including purchased customer lists from third parties. Puravive is not responsible for the information collection or privacy practices of third-party websites or applications.

1. Collection of Information
1.1 Survey Information:
Puravive collects information from individuals through various methods, including surveys, order forms, and registration pages, both online and offline. Information requested may include name, email, address, phone numbers, birth date, gender, salary, education, marital status, occupation, social security number, employment information, personal and online interests, etc. Providing this information is voluntary, though incentives may be offered.

1.2 Other Information:
Puravive also collects information when individuals claim prizes, redeem incentives, request customer service, or subscribe to services or newsletters.

1.3 Cookies, Web Beacons, and Technology Information:
Puravive uses cookies and web beacons to associate Internet-related information with individual data in our database.

Cookies: Small data files stored on an individual's computer to identify them with corresponding data in Puravive's database.
Web Beacons: Programming code used to track an individual's online behavior and interests for marketing purposes.

1.4 Outside Information:
Puravive may receive information about individuals from third parties or public databases.

1.5 Individual Information:
Individual Information includes Survey Information, Third Party List Information, Other Information, Technology Information, Outside Information, and any other information gathered or received about individuals.

1.6 No Information Collected from Children:
Puravive does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If such information is discovered, it will be immediately deleted to comply with COPPA.

1.7 Credit Card Information:
Puravive collects credit card information when processing purchases. This information is encrypted and protected with SSL encryption software and used only for transaction purposes.

2. Use of Individual Information
2.1 Discretion to Use Information:
Puravive may use Individual Information for any legally permissible purpose, including but not limited to email advertising, telephone marketing, direct mail marketing, online banner advertising, and package stuffers.

2.2 Email:
Puravive uses Individual Information to send promotional offers via email. Individuals can unsubscribe from these emails by following the instructions at the end of each email.

2.3 Targeted Advertising:
Puravive uses Individual Information to target advertising based on expressed interests.

2.4 Direct Mail and Telemarketing:
Puravive uses Individual Information for direct mail and telemarketing.

2.5 Use of Technology Information:
Technology Information is used to match Survey Information with other categories of Individual Information, track browsing habits, and improve profiles for targeted advertising.

2.6 Profiles of Individuals:
Puravive creates profiles by combining various sources of Individual Information.

2.7 Storage of Individual Information:
Individual Information is stored in a secure database on Puravive's computers, protected by security measures such as firewalls.

3. Dissemination of Individual Information
3.1 Sale or Transfer to Third Parties:
Puravive may sell or transfer Individual Information to third parties. Individuals can request their information not be used or sold by contacting Puravive via email.

3.2 Order Fulfillment:
Individual Information may be transferred to third parties for order fulfillment.

3.3 Legal Process:
Puravive may disclose Individual Information in response to legal processes such as subpoenas or court orders.

3.4 Summary Data:
Puravive may sell or transfer non-individualized summary or aggregated anonymous information.

3.5 Access:
Individuals can access their Individual Information to correct, amend, or delete it by contacting customer service.

4. Privacy Practices of Third Parties
4.1 Advertiser Cookies and Web Beacons:
Advertisers may use their own cookies and web beacons to collect information. Puravive does not control their use of such technology.

4.2 Links:
Puravive is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of third-party websites linked from the Websites or email messages.

4.3 Affiliated Companies:
Puravive may disclose, transfer, and sell Individual Information to affiliated entities.

5. Unsubscribe Procedures
To stop receiving email messages from Puravive, click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email message. Puravive reserves the right to add Individual Information to multiple lists.

For more information about protecting your privacy, visit If you have questions about this policy, please contact us at the number on the order page.

All Rights Reserved.
These statements have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. This site or products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.